St Peter's Church, Carlton Colville

with St Andrew's Church, Mutford

Tel: (01502) 464780
Email the Parish Office

Handbell Ringers

The Carlton Colville Handbell Ringers meet in the Parish Room of the Church on a Friday evening from 7.30-9.00 pm.

The earliest records found show that the handbells in use today were played in the 1920s! The bells were sent to the Whitechapel Bell Foundry for refurbishment and retuning. On their return the 'Carlton Ringers' were formed and played mainly for Church events. As members dwindled the bells were loaned to a team in Kessingland until the late 1980s.

On their return a group of children in the Church collected to play Carols during a Christmas Service. Adults who had waited for the children to practice asked if an adult team could be formed. Some of these adults are founder members of the now 'Carlton Handbell Ringers' which was established in 1992.

Over the years the team have played engagements at such places as:- Homes for the elderly, Local regional rallies, Craft fayres, Church services, Concerts, The Trafalga Day celebrations, Weddings and The Yarmouth Christmas Spectacular.

New members are always welcome and you do not have to be able to read music.

Sue and Mark lead the team and can be contacted through the Parish Administrator.

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