St Peter's Church, Carlton Colville with St Andrew's Church, Mutford

Tel: (01502) 464780
Email the Parish Office


Schools' Work

We have two primary schools in the parish- Grove Primary School and Carlton Colville Primary School. The children visit St Peter's for services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter. The Rector and the Lay Pastor also visit the schools regularly to lead Assemblies and to help with the delivery of some aspects of the RE currciulum.


Services at Carlton Hall

Once a month the Rector visits Carlton Hall to lead a service, accompanied by the churchwarden. We sing hymns and share a reading from the Bible. 


Baby Loss Awareness Week Wave of Light Service.

In conjunction with Angels and Rainbows, a local pregnancy and baby loss support group, we hold a service every October  during baby loss awarenss week for those who have lost a baby during pregnancy. 


Carols at the Crib at the Transport Museum

When our current Rector arrived in the Parish we faced a Christmas when we would not able to sing Christmas caorls in church because of Covid 19. She came up with idea of finding an outdoor venue where we could so, and this led to the birth of Carols at Crib. Taking a knitted Nativity set and a CD of carols and Chritmas songs, she told the Christmas story, with the help of the children who bought the figures to the manger. The Transport Museum stayed open a bit later so that everyone could enjoy a free ride on the tram and trolley bus. We asked people to bring food to donate to the Kirkley Pantry, which is run by St John's Church in Kirkley. It was so successful that Carols at the Crib is now an annual event.

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