St Peter's Church, Carlton Colville

with St Andrew's Church, Mutford

Tel: (01502) 464780
Email the Parish Office

Safeguarding Policies

This page and the policy documents are to be refreshed.  The documents here may not be the latest version.

Below are the two Safeguarding Policies in place at St Peter's Carlton Colville.  They are also displayed within the porch of the church. (From which these copies are taken).  Policies are reviewed annually. 

Safeguarding - Children And Young People Policy

Safeguarding - Vulnerable Adults Policy

Our Safeguarding Officers are:

Sharon Brown (Children and Young People)     07403128116

Bob Filer (Vulnerable Adults)                             01502 519865

In addition the Diocesan Safeguarding details and contacts are here: 

Diocese of Norwich Safeguarding Advisers: 

Sue Brice:     07958 377079

Sian Griffiths:    07342 999386

Further information available at:


To be reviewed and renewed: 20250203

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