St Peter's Church, Carlton Colville with St Andrew's Church, Mutford

Tel: (01502) 464780
Email the Parish Office

2021 Sermon series on 1 Corinthians

2021 Sermon Series on Job

A series of sermons on the book of Job, preached over Common Time, Summer 2021

John 17:1-11

Sermon notes for Sermon, Sunday 24th May 2020. Jesus prays for his Disciples.

Luke 2:22-35

Notes for a Sermon on Luke 2:22-25 delivered to St Andrew's Mutford Mothering Sunday 15th March 2015 (Also for St Peter's Carlton Colville Mothering Sunday 21st March 2020). You will need to imagine a box of Roses chocolates and possibly of a certain age to remember the adverts!

Matthew 28:1-10

Notes for a Reflection - Easter Sunday 12th April 2020

Messy Church 3rd May 2020

Transcript of the Messy Church Service of 3rd May 2020, premiered on St Peter's Carlton Colville YouTube Channel

Psalm 150

Notes for a Sermon on Psalm 150 delivered to Gunton St Benedict's 16th February 2020

Psalm 46

Notes for a Sermon on Psalm 46 delivered to Gunton St Benedict's 15th March 2020

Romans 4:1-5,13-17

Notes for a Sermon on Romans 4:1-5,13-17 delivered to St Peter's 8th March 2020

Romans 5:12-19

Notes for a Sermon on Romans 5:12-19 delivered to St Peter's 1st March 2020

Sermon Notes - Matthew 13:31-36,44-52 (Psalm 119:129-136)

Sermon delivered by Mark Ellis on-line 26/07/2020 (Wrapped in a simple Morning Prayer)

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